Quick tip on how to clean your Sterling Silver Jewellery

I found some lovely sterling silver bracelets that I hadn’t worn for some time – they were tarnished & dirty but I decided to wear them out that night, (I love rediscovering old treasures!). My only problem was that I had 15 minutes until my taxi arrived!

A really quick way of cleaning sterling silver jewellery is to:

– line a bowl with tin foil, shiny side up
– place your jewellery in the bottom of the bowl & add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
– pour boiling water into the bowl and watch the accumulated dirt fall off!

A simple yet effective solution! I know people that have used this method for jewellery with gemstones and / or gold in them too, but wouldn’t recommend this as it may place unnecessary pressure on the stones and dull the gold down.

I hope you find this useful x